Therapeutic Recreation

You are invited to participate in the recreation programs offered here. The recreation staff will want to get to know you to find out your leisure interests and the types of groups you would enjoy. Our staff, along with the help of volunteers, will offer a variety of recreation and social programs. You are always welcome to offer suggestions.

Your family and friends are welcome to join in group recreation programs and special events.

You may be invited to join in:

  • an exercise or baking group
  • expressing yourself through art
  • a team for a game of bowling or curling
  • enjoying visiting pets
  • visits from our daycare
  • tea time
  • bingo
  • sing-a-longs
  • outings
  • special events
  • entertainment
  • Therapeutic visits from staff and volunteers

Monthly Therapeutic Recreation Calendars

Recreation Services provides programs for all residents to participate in the Multi-Purpose Room and also programs that are specific to the residents’ floor.

2019 Christmas Hashbrown Casserole